W. Paul Reeve History Blazer July 1995 President Warren G. Harding’s 1923 visit to Utah was part of a broader tour of the western United States designed to bring him “closer to the people and their conditions.” After touring Colorado, Utah, Idaho, and other states, he proceeded to Alaska, his primary destination, and became the first president to visit that …
World War I and Utah
Allan Kent PowellUtah History Encyclopedia, 1994 Known as “The Great War” until the outbreak of World War II, World War I began on 1 August 1914 and ended with armistice on 11 November 1918. The two warring sides were the Allies—comprised of Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, United States, Japan, Romania, Belgium, Serbia, Greece, Portugal, and Montenegro; and the Central …
Fort Douglas
Charles G. Hibbard Utah History Encyclopedia, 1994 After the Civil War began in 1861 it was necessary to recall regular troops from frontier duty for action against the South, leaving the overland mail route to California unguarded from attack by hostile Indians. President Lincoln called for volunteers, and Patrick E. Connor was appointed Colonel (Brevet Major General) of the Third …